The Content
The 2017 Utility Residential Customer Education Survey, implemented by NTC in conjunction with Utility Dive is an in-depth look at residential customer programming. What works? What doesn’t work? What does the future hold? One hundred eight-seven utility experts weighed in and the results are available in a full downloadable report.
NTC’s president and founder, Ward Eames, presented the results of the survey at this year’s PLMA conference. The survey results were presented in part through NTC’s Hands-On Learning video series. In this popular series, facts and figures are presented, along with some imaginative storytelling, props, photos and a pair of disembodied hands. Hands-On Learning is a fun and unique way to pick up the basic facts of this report. After the video, download the full NTC-Utility Dive survey for more details.
Our Approach
The 2017 Utility Residential Customer Education Survey is NTC’s second pairing with Utility Dive. In 2015 a similar survey was conducted and we were eager to see what, if any, changes there were in opinions from utility experts. Utility Dive contacted representatives in the utilities industry at companies of various sizes, types and regions. One hundred eighty-seven of these representatives participated and answered questions on the efficacy of their residential programs, how budgets will affect future programming and the ever-elusive ROI on community outreach efforts.
NTC’s approach to working with utility clients is to understand the needs of each one and deliver cost-effective, impactful programs. The NTC-Utility Dive survey will be a useful tool for us as we expand and improve our energy education campaigns. The survey is also an extremely useful tool for professionals working in the utilities industry. Recognizing that your pain points are shared by other utility professionals, comparing your challenges to those of others within your industry and discovering the areas in which you exceed or fall behind those in comparable situations provides a real-world baseline from which to pursue improvement.
Key Takeaways
The results of the 2017 Utility Residential Customer Education Survey contains valuable insight from utility executives. Some key points are:
- Lack of consumer interest is a major obstacle when attempting to implement residential customer programs
- Overall, utility executives don’t have a completely positive view of their own outreach efforts
- Lack of ROI is a stumbling block when seeking funding for new programming
- Over half of the utilities surveyed do not use mobile apps in conjunction with their residential programs
Download the report now to learn more.