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& Wellness

Health & Wellness

Wellness programs and health education in schools are an effective way to accomplish community outreach goals, impact student success and support social equity. Getting your school communities involved in these programs empowers students, teachers and families to embrace behaviors that positively impact their daily lives. NTC has implemented programs on:

Government agencies, foundations, hospitals, and insurance companies form lasting, inspiring connections to their communities through customized K–12 programs. NTC’s educational campaigns provide healthcare providers, insurers, and other organizations with the opportunity to engage their customer base through meaningful experiences and expand their reach through positive recognition.

Educational Points

Every NTC program is built around several educational concepts related to the overall subject matter and supported by the curriculum connected to those concepts. The content in each of our programs is articulated to appropriately connect to different grade bands in the K–12 setting and align with state and national education standards. Words matter, and we work with each individual client to craft messaging that presents your unique industry information to the schools in your communities.

The terms health and wellness cover such an incredibly broad range of topics. So, let’s get specific! What are the important messages you want to deliver to the communities you serve? Whether you’re passionate about addressing mental health issues, preventing bullying in schools, or building up community resilience to improve your community’s recovery from natural disasters, we’ve got you covered. Our programs are completely customized to engage your target audiences with subjects that mean the most to your organization.

Featured Programs

Oral Health

NTC’s oral health program teaches students in pre-kindergarten through third grade the importance of good oral health habits. Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease, and more than half of the nation’s third graders have had at least one cavity. To help combat the prevalence of tooth decay among students, our program reaches thousands of children each year. During the interactive in-person performance or online show, memorable characters explain good oral health care techniques, good and bad foods for the teeth, and why it is important to visit the dentist. Participating schools are also provided with curriculum and dental health supplies for every child. This is a multi-state national program.

Mental Health

The mental health of students can affect their education, social life, and emotional well-being. That’s why NTC has developed easy-to-implement programs that support the hard work educators and families are doing to support students everywhere. Project Mindset is a program that includes a live performance and supporting educational journal aimed at 3rd–5th grade students. Its goal is to give students a framework for incorporating healthy mental behaviors into their daily routine. Mental Might helps students identify behaviors that support their mental health, providing them with tools for managing emotions and everyday stress and is a livestream and video program.


Schools are an important environment for modeling and supporting healthy eating. School-age children consume a substantial portion of their daily food needs within the school and afterschool setting. All’s Well that Eats Well is a school-based program for students and educators about how to make healthy food choices and become more physically active. Including a live kick-off performance, thorough digital learning materials and a graphic novel, All’s Well… teaches school communities about how their food is grown, how it supports healthy growth and development, and how to have lifelong healthy eating habits.

Digital Wellbeing

Digital wellbeing is the pursuit of an intentional and healthy relationship with technology, both in the workplace and in personal life. It can also be used to describe the impact of technologies and digital services on people’s mental, physical, social and emotional health. As screen time has grown in both necessity and habit for students, so has societal pressure, scams and other malicious activity. NTC’s digital wellbeing programs are centered on digital citizenship, cyber security and mental health. Cyber Vibes equips students with knowledge and skills that will help them navigate the digital world with confidence, focusing in particular on respectful online behavior. Cyber Secure teaches students how to protect themselves against cyber predators, cyber bullying and identity theft.

Classroom Community Health

The Classroom Community Health Pack is a livestream series that supports social emotional learning and health and wellness in the classroom. Easy to implement by the educator and easy to provide by a sponsor, this five-part series focuses on a topic and provides supporting educational materials for its further understanding week by week. Each episode begins and ends with sponsor branding and messaging.
  • Mental Might helps students identify behaviors that support their mental health, providing them with tools for managing emotions and everyday stress.
  • Respect Yourself provided students with tools to help deal with peer pressure related to smoking, vaping and other dangerous substances.
  • Friend Zone teaches students the importance of establishing healthy and rewarding relationships, and demonstrates methods for dealing with bullying and conflict resolution.
  • Cyber Vibes equips students with knowledge and skills that will help them navigate the digital world with confidence, focusing in particular on respectful online behavior.
  • Level Up Ur Yum-Yum helps students make better choices when it comes to nutrition, encouraging them to make health and wellness a part of their daily routine through the foods they eat.
  • Work It Out encourages students to make physical activity a part of their daily routine in order to get short- and long-term health goals.

Dental Health is something educators across the country are scrambling to get in their schools. Learn why here.

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