Discover Best Practices for Using Graphic Novels for Energy Education

Residential education programs for energy efficiency and demand side management are a mainstay for electric utilities. Delivering K-12 outreach that makes a real impact will form lasting connections and improve the prosperity of your community and your organization. An effective strategy, though, takes more than providing a few energy saving tips to your customers.

Inspiring students can assist your efficiency and safety residential programs by spreading positive messages to families as well. When students get excited about energy, they become messengers in the community, spreading energy lessons that benefit everyone – including organizations like yours. The key is to entertain and educate students through humor, storytelling and creativity, the basic ingredients of a graphic novel.

This NTC Ed Talk whitepaper by Frank Maciel, Manager of Product Development at NTC explains best practices in using graphic novels for energy efficiency and safety education.

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Discover Best Practices for Using Graphic Novels for Energy Education