When done well, bank-sponsored financial literacy programs fulfill a vital public mission and help refine the industry’s public reputation in the eyes of its stakeholders. Even so, financial institutions sometimes question the efficacy of such programs and can fail to optimize the funds they receive for the purpose of community engagement.
To better understand the challenges of financial literacy education, NTC commissioned SourceMedia (publisher of American Banker) to survey 235 executives at financial institutions with K-12 initiatives. The result is our recent whitepaper, How the Right K-12 Financial Literacy Education Can Serve the Public and Market Your Bank. The whitepaper addresses major conflicts and pain points regarding educational outreach in the financial industry, including the importance and benefits of financial literacy education, the challenges of demonstrating ROI, best practices for implementation and much more.
In our NTC ED Talk video above, Marketing Director Eddie Eames discusses the methodology and outcomes of the whitepaper. Throughout our 40 years of providing dynamic K-12 education on behalf of some of the largest organizations in the country, NTC has learned how to use creativity and storytelling to make financial literacy education as impactful as possible, while developing methods of evaluation that clearly track substantial ROI. Watch the video and download the free whitepaper to discover the secrets of the industry and find out how your organization can become a pioneer for financial literacy in your community.